Mission Two - Feedback and Reflection

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We presented around the time limit and without any hiccups. We were given two pieces of feedback. The first piece was that we lacked an end product. We were supposed to have some kind of product that was relevant to our topic and helped further prove a point or explain something. I absolutely get why this would be important, however, many people got this feedback and made me wonder if maybe it needed to be cleared that we had to have an end product. Given that even to not compare ourselves to others, we had managed to make some kind of product in our last mission but just not this one. I think this definitely could have been cleared. I’m sure it was mentioned somewhere on some page or maybe just assumed we all knew this, but even in our group, all three of us were surprised that we needed an end product. We were only given topics, suggested tasks, and some articles to help our research. As I said, I’m sure it was mentioned somewhere and maybe it was just lack of communication or us just not reading this requirement.

We would have done something on how our internet history is used to target ads for the apps we use and how this data is collected. It’s well known that if you even discuss something more than once around your locked phone, you will probably receive relevant ads to that topic on your phone within the next few days.

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Our second piece of feedback was that our presentation had too many words. This I really struggled with because we’d been given similar feedback on our previous mission. I felt as though every single piece of information was important. We could have stretched it out over more slides but we wanted to keep within our time limit. It’s so hard to prove that you’ve done hours of research to back up your ideas and opinions when you can’t put them into a presentation. There has to be a balance and I think it’s very hard to find, especially with a topic that is so word heavy. Data privacy isn’t something simple and is very important to get across all of our points. I think maybe it needs to be less research and more about the final product but even then it’s still important to prove you put enough time into this without being questioned on it.

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I was happy enough with the grade and feedback, but I would definitely do everything differently for the next presentation. I think it needs to be quick and snappy and if we were to be questioned on our research, I’d question what kind of balance it is we need to achieve to make the content look full but not brimming and to have a decent end product too. I'd like to use this feedback in the future but I'd be curious as to see how much is too much and how much is not enough and what the line is between them. 
